Monday, September 1, 2008

My Needles...

... Have become magnetically charged. Odd.

(yes the quality is horrible and you can barely make out the needles, my camera died so I had to use my phone)

I've been making those birdies like mad. Which is not so good, because I have an essay to start, and the draft is due next week i think. Maybe this week. Lots of fun! XD
During the making of one of them, and because of my lovely callussed fingers from playing viola, this happened:
needle mishaps

Went right through my finger, and I didn't realise till it was this far through. Sad.

Ok that's it for today, had two exams and my vla lesson so I'm a bit buggered. Oh - I tried out my violin again for a little long-time-no-see whirl, and it's amazing how PUNY it is. And so easy to play! Gawsh, but violinists have it easy! Still, I was glad to go back to my viola - even if it is buzzing again. If I take it to be repaired again, that will make it the 4th time in the year. Ridiculous, if you ask me.

Side note: Yo-Yo Ma's Silk Road Ensemble is made of awesome.

Side note of the side note: (does that make it on topic again?) it's spring today! I am filled with an odd sense of constant nostalgia - is this because I actually haven't been in Australia for all of a summer for the last few years? It smells like Japan in early summer when I wake up. End of strangeness. so tired must sleep grammar deteriorating.


Elaine said...


hmm, maybe i should do a long-time-no-see whirl with my violin too...i've been getting out my guitar a bit lately though! XD

Katie said...

ooOOOOOoh guitar eh!? that's pretty cool :D:D:D ben's taught me how to play half of blackbird by the beatles on guitar which is cool and i am bad at it xDDDD