Thursday, September 11, 2008

What I am doing

Here's something for you:

"Foweles in the frith, The fisses in the flod.
Much sorw I walke with, For beste of bon and blod.
And I mon waxe wod."

Isn't that awesome? It's the words that Britten set to music in one of the 8 songs in his 'sacred and profane' collection kind of thing. You can probably figure out the first two lines (Birds in the air, the fish in the water. Much sorrow I walk with, for best of bone and blood) - don't ask me what they mean, but that's what they translate to, and the last line means 'I must go mad'. I would show you a youtube link but there is none which makes me sad because it's an awesome piece and it freaks me out a LOT. If you come to one of So-La Voce's concerts we'll be singing it soon!! Which will be fun.

I should be practising right now. I am ridiculously busy, which is why I haven't updated this in a trillion years. At the moment, I'm quite taken with the whole hyperbole thing, it's outrageously fun.
Apparently the music school has not heard of 'midterm' exams, because they like to just give us assignments and exams, whenever they like. Which means all the time. Which is a load of bum, because it means I have the first part of an assignment due tomorrow, a kanji exam (not set by the music school, just ftr) next monday, a theory assignment due goodness knows when but soon, and a competition to play in in two weeks for which I still haven't gotten an accompanist better ring him now!!!

5 minutes later: accompanist ACQUIRED! Hooray.

Damn but that comp is close! 22nd and today is the 11th eeeeeeep.

I have 20 minutes... should I practise or should I just do nothing? 20 minutes of practice... hm... I think I'll go do that.

P.S. I have been making things (not very much); mostly hair ties and what have you, but I haven't been able to take photos of them yet because zea izu no taimu. aiya~~!

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