Friday, September 26, 2008


Hm! Well after reading Elainey's blog I feel much better, but I figured I'd post about this anyways. So I went in for the Harmer scholarship which is this thingy where you send them a recording you've made and if you're good enough they give you monies. And it is for people who play either the viola or the pipe organ, and have been living in queensland for more than 10 years... which is a bit rofltastic. So I made what I thought were some pretty good recordings (at the time! I listened to them few weeks ago and i was like ergh) and was pretty much expecting to get something. And then the notice came in the mail today that I didn't, and that was actually kind of shocking. By shocking i mean the mildest sense of the word, it wasn't like I fainted or went hysterical or anything but I was just kind of expecting something. Also I don't particularly need the money badly - I mean, it would be very very useful, especially considering my viola is starting to rattle again (poooo youuuuuu ms vla!!!!!!) but there are people who need it a lot more than me. But I'm still pretty disappointed. I think the main thing was that I was expecting to get something, rather than just maybe hoping or something - that'll teach me!
Oh well, I'll get over it xD

Hm. It's quite hard being a violist and also being bad at saying no to things, because most often there are not many if any other violists who you know will say yes. I am trying my hand at this refusing thing... I really would like some semblance of a break next week, so maybe I'll just lurk and not reply to Em's email. Sorry Em! I will probably end up doing it anyways because Phoebe probably won't be able to do it. *sigh*

In other news... Uni is nearly over!!!! ish!!!!!!! We only have 3 more weeks of class then swotvac then exams then FIN.!! Amazing. The time's gone really quickly... and I don't particularly want it to! Uni is a fun lifestyle! There are far too many exclamation marks in this... oops xD Uni work is also not so hard (for me. for people doing almost any other course i think it will be heaps harder lol) but it's still something to aim for - get that 7, make the next lesson a good one with Patricia... Speaking of whom!!!!! My gosh but is that lady just incredible. I have never ever ever in my entire life met someone so completely ingenius in her teaching - so inspiring, an amazing musician, high expectations and is not afraid at ALL to go into the nitty gritty - she'll tell you when she's disappointed and DAMN does that suck. Which makes you work so much harder!! And you can completely tell she's not just teaching for the money - she could easily just be a concert violist and do gigs, but no, we are lucky enough that she loves to teach people as well. Woo for Patricia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She deserves every one of those exclamation marks and probably a whole post filled with just them and and and and yeah.


Also, she said something interesting today in my lesson: we have 24 hours in a day - 8 hours sleep, 8 hours work and guess what! 8 hours play. Which COMPLETELY does not seem like there could be 8 hours in which you could just do anything - I know I was kind of like o_O;; when she said that, but it's true! But, for most of it (if not all) I just fritter it away, staring blankly at a computer screen or something, thinking I don't have enough time to do what I would really like to. So with that, I am going to drown my sorrows in doing a bit of crafty stuff and seeing what I can come up with xD



Elaine said...

Awww! I'm glad you feel better x3 S'ok lovely wifeeeeee, we all know that you are teh awesome at vla and not getting a scholarship doesn't change that :P And you did get the UQ one, remember! :D

Mmm you're too nice to everyone :( Don't forget to look after yourself~~~ Say "NO" (hahaha remember self defense?) XD

Hope you have a good midsem breaaaaaaaaak!!! And have a REST zomgosh XD

<3 lovely wife

Katie said...

rofl NO!!!!! xDDDD
hehehehehehe wow you read through all that? I didn't realise how long it was till I looked at my blog and I was like oopsie maboopsie! xD

hehehe I expect someone insane like Suzannah Ling (remember Mrs Ling? Her daughter! :O) sent in an insanely awesome recording and got the whole 10 grand or something. meh!

you too my lovely wife! rest yourself up so you are LIVELY and SPRINGY and BOUNCY!!!! :D:D:D:D

<3 lovely wifey! >w<