Friday, September 19, 2008

Some interesting things

Why is it that you can hear trains going by three suburbs over in the night, but you can't hear someone talking to you from the next seat in orchestra?

Why is it that the male uni students (maybe some female but it doesn't sound like it) have exactly the same 'call' at nearly the same pitches at their parties or something? If you live near campus you'll know what I'm talking about - an AAARRRROOOOOOOOOOOooooooooOOOOOOOO kind of thing.

Loud noises scare us but the complete absence of noise is more scary (at least to me).

That's about it!

Things are incredibly busy at the moment yet I still find time to procrastinate and be bored. What is wrong with me!?

arrrgh sleath comp on monday and am completely not ready. oh well. i will just have to try my best!

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