Wednesday, July 30, 2008

< rant >

It's been a bit of a crap week.
Let's summarise what would ordinarily be a ridiculously long spiel about very little into a simple mathematical equation:

scholarship application


scholarship recording


concerts nearly every week


threats of being kicked out of orchestra because of said concerts


having to memorise all your music for sola


losing your phone, which is new, and on a plan



I have very few words of the happy nature left.
Sorry for the miserable post :( I have some things to photo and put up here but I'm tired and sulky and very busy.

Dentist tomorrow... it just gets better.

< /rant >


Elaine said...

*hugs lovely wife* :(

just keep hanging in there! hope we kinda cheered you up in the arvo/evening, because that was fun :)

Katie said...

:D you did
i felt super happy when you guys came over.

it has also rolled over to today which was happy =3


shaz. said...

Aw. you're an awesome musician. Emin sucks =(.
Haha, eat a suga lolly!